HTML5 Video
HTML5 video is the new open video standard. It enables web developers and users to escape the limitations of flash and other proprietary video formats. This is a big step forward, because there is now an open standard that is not controlled by any particular company,...
Do not forget your DNS. Get protected!
DNS is one of the most important and fundamental Internet technologies. Without DNS the Internet would not work correctly. DNS = Domain Name System. It is the Internet's directory of every domain name, enabling the rapid location of and communication with every...
Teachers Work For Free
The Huffington Post has reported that some teachers at Gwinnett County Schools, Georgia, USA are offering their services for free. Whilst this is admirable, does it not run the risk of devaluing a teachers time? Some authorities might think they can get away with...
Africa: The Importance of On-line Learning
I have just visited Africa (Tanzania, South Africa and Ghana) and seen for myself the immense challenges and opportunities presented by this vast continent. Internet connectivity is certainly a problem when you are out in the wilds of Tanzania. If you are able to...
Sustainability and e-learning
The Internet has certainly changed the world. It offers opportunities to empower individuals and communities. E-learning is probably one of the Internet's most important and promising areas for development. It is about bringing knowledge into the home and office. It...
Petrol prices surge to record highs
A recent post in The Local, Germany's News in English has again highlighted that petrol prices are at record highs. This is making it significantly more expensive for people to travel by car. In today's difficult economy, there is a greater imperative to use...
Anytime, anywhere learning
An interesting article has just been published by Ovum, "Skype helps “anytime, anywhere” learning". Whilst it specifically refers to the use of Skype, there are other web conferencing systems available such as BigBlueButton. This is an open source software system that...